
1. adjective /kɒləˈfəʊnɪən/
Of or pertaining to the Lydian city of Colophon.<ref name="OED"/>

We know that the Colophonian poet Xenophanes narrated the history of his native land, and that in a poem of two thousand lines he also set forth the events connected with the foundation of Velia, in which he participated.

See Also: colophane, colophon, colophonian, colophonize, from title-page to colophon, colophony, coloph-, colophene, colophilene, colopholic acid, colophon-, colophonate, colophonic acids, colophonin, colophonone, colophonite
2. noun /kɒləˈfəʊnɪən/
A native or inhabitant of the Lydian city of Colophon.

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