- stearic
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stearic — STEÁRIC, stearici, adj. (În sintagma) Acid stearic = acid solid, incolor, puţin solubil în apă, care se găseşte combinat cu glicerina în grăsimile animale şi vegetale şi care se întrebuinţează la fabricarea lumânărilor, în cosmetică etc. [pr.:… … Dicționar Român
Stearic — Ste*ar ic (st[ e]*[a^]r [i^]k), a. [Cf. F. st[ e]arique.] (Physiol. Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, stearin or tallow; resembling tallow. [1913 Webster] {Stearic acid} (Chem.), a monobasic fatty acid, obtained in the form of white… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stearic — [stē ar′ik, stir′ik] adj. [Fr stéarique < Gr stear, tallow: see STONE] 1. of, derived from, or like stearin or fat 2. of or pertaining to stearic acid … English World dictionary
stearic — /stee ar ik, stear ik/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to suet or fat. 2. of or derived from stearic acid. [1825 35; STEAR + IC] * * * … Universalium
stearic — /stiˈærɪk / (say stee arik) adjective 1. of or relating to suet or fat. 2. Chemistry relating to or derived from stearic acid …
stearic — adj. derived from stearin. Phrases and idioms: stearic acid a solid saturated fatty acid obtained from animal or vegetable fats. Derivatives: stearate n. Etymology: F steacutearique f. Gk stear steatos tallow … Useful english dictionary
Stearic acid — Stearic acid[1] … Wikipedia
Stearic acid — Stearic Ste*ar ic (st[ e]*[a^]r [i^]k), a. [Cf. F. st[ e]arique.] (Physiol. Chem.) Pertaining to, or obtained from, stearin or tallow; resembling tallow. [1913 Webster] {Stearic acid} (Chem.), a monobasic fatty acid, obtained in the form of white … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stearic acid — n. 1. a colorless, odorless, waxlike fatty acid, CH3 (CH2) 16COOH, found in many animal and vegetable fats, and used in making candles, stearates, soaps, etc. 2. a commercial mixture of palmitic and stearic acids … English World dictionary
stearic acid — Chem. a colorless, waxlike, sparingly water soluble, odorless solid, C18H36O2, the most common fatty acid, occurring as the glyceride in tallow and other animal fats and in some animal oils: used chiefly in the manufacture of soaps, stearates,… … Universalium