
a) Having a fondness for physical contact with other people, especially to an excessive degree.

My last boyfriend was a lovely guy, but I dumped him because he was too touchy-feely with me in public.

b) Driven by intuition or emotion, with a connotation of de-emphasis of rational thought or logic.

He preferred the clarity of science and left the touchy-feely stuff to others.

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  • touchy-feely — adj too concerned with feelings and emotions, rather than with facts or actions ▪ a touchy feely drama …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • touchy-feely — [tuch′ē fē′lē] Informal adj. of or characterized by the overt display of affection, compassion, and other tender feelings, as through hugging, crying, etc.: used disparagingly to convey excess, indulgence, superficiality, etc. [a touchy feely… …   English World dictionary

  • touchy-feely — ► ADJECTIVE informal, often derogatory ▪ openly expressing affection or other emotions, especially through physical contact …   English terms dictionary

  • touchy-feely — adjective (often derogatory) openly expressing love and affection (especially through physical contact) • Similar to: ↑loving • Usage Domain: ↑disparagement, ↑depreciation, ↑derogation * * * /ˌtʌʧiˈfiːli/ adj [more touchy feely; most touchy… …   Useful english dictionary

  • touchy-feely — /tʌtʃi ˈfili/ (say tuchee feelee) adjective Colloquial 1. providing a pleasurable sensation to the touch: a touchy feely fabric. 2. inclined to excessive, especially unwelcome, physical contact in greeting or conversing with others. 3. involving… …  

  • touchy-feely — adjective Date: 1968 characterized by or encouraging interpersonal touching especially in the free expression of emotions < touchy feely therapy >; also openly or excessively emotional and personal < gets all touchy feely with his adoring fans > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • touchy-feely — [[t]tʌ̱tʃi fi͟ːli[/t]] ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something as touchy feely, you mean that it involves people expressing emotions such as love and affection openly in a way which you find embarrassing and silly. ...a touchy feely… …   English dictionary

  • touchy-feely — informal expressing a lot of emotion easily, often by touching people with your hands, in a way that some people think is embarrassing. He s one of those touchy feely people who are always putting their arms round you. They run a support group… …   New idioms dictionary

  • touchy-feely — mod. very sensitive and em pathetic; pretentiously compassionate. □ Wow, these SNAGs are soooo touchy feely. □ Marge is so touchy feely. She worries that anything she says may possibly offend someone …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • touchy-feely — /tuch ee fee lee/, adj. Informal. emphasizing or marked by emotional openness and enthusiastic physicality: a touchy feely encounter group. * * * …   Universalium

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