color blind

color blind
a) Of a person or animal, unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors (usually red and green).
b) Of a person who hold no prejudice based on skin color, or of a process which precludes racial prejudice.

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  • color-blind — color ,blind adjective 1. ) unable to recognize a difference between some colors, especially red and green 2. ) someone who is color blind does not treat people from different races differently a ) used about things such as laws and systems:… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Color-blind — Col or blind, a. Affected with color blindness. See {Color blindness}, under {Color}, n. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • color blind — (Amer.) cannot see colors properly, incapable of distinguishing one or more multicolored colors (also colour blind) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • color-blind — adjective 1. unable to distinguish one or more chromatic colors • Syn: ↑colour blind • Similar to: ↑blind, ↑unsighted • Derivationally related forms: ↑color blindness (for: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • color-blind — adjective Date: 1853 1. affected with partial or total inability to distinguish one or more chromatic colors 2. insensitive, oblivious 3. not influenced by differences of race < tried to get the welfare establishment…to abandon its color blind …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • color-blind — col·or blind .blīnd adj affected with partial or total inability to distinguish one or more chromatic colors color blindness n …   Medical dictionary

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  • color-blind — col′or blind adj. 1) a) oph unable to distinguish one or more chromatic colors b) oph unable to distinguish colors, seeing only shades of gray, black, and white 2) cvb showing or characterized by freedom from racial bias • Etymology: 1850–55… …   From formal English to slang

  • color-blind — /kul euhr bluynd /, adj. 1. Ophthalm. pertaining to or affected with color blindness. 2. Photog. (of an emulsion) sensitive only to blue, violet, and ultraviolet rays. 3. showing or characterized by freedom from racial bias. [1850 55] * * * …   Universalium

  • color-blind — adjective a) Of a person or animal, unable to distinguish between two or more primary colors (usually red and green). b) Of a person who hold no prejudice based on skin color, or of a process which precludes racial prejudice …   Wiktionary

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