- homocentric
a) Having an identical centre.
Hays main concern, in the light of an antigreen backlash, is that homocentric democracy is insufficient for the achievement of the ecocentric goals...
Wikipedia foundation.
Hays main concern, in the light of an antigreen backlash, is that homocentric democracy is insufficient for the achievement of the ecocentric goals...
Wikipedia foundation.
homocentric — HOMOCÉNTRIC, Ă, homocentrici, ce, adj. 1. (Despre fascicule de lumină) Ale cărui raze trec toate printr un singur punct. 2. (mat.; despre cercuri) Care au acelaşi centru. [var.: omocéntric, ă adj.] – Din fr. homocentrique. Trimis de gall,… … Dicționar Român
Homocentric — Ho mo*cen tric, a. [Gr. ?: ? the same + ? center: cf. F. homocentrique.] Having the same center. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
homocentric — homocentrically, adv. homocentricity, /hoh moh sen tris i tee, hom oh /, n. /hoh meuh sen trik, hom euh /, adj. 1. having a common center; concentric. 2. diverging from or converging to the same point: homocentric rays. Also, homocentrical. [1615 … Universalium
homocentric beam — homocentrinis pluoštas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. homocentric beam; stigmatic beam vok. homozentrisches Bündel, n rus. гомоцентрический пучок, m pranc. faisceau homocentrique, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
homocentric — Having the same center; denoting rays that meet at a common focus. Cf.:heterocentric (1). * * * ho·mo·cen·tric (ho″mo senґtrik) [homo + centric] having the same center or focus … Medical dictionary
homocèntric — ho|mo|cèn|tric Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català
homocentric — adj. having a common center; expanding from or gathering toward the same point … English contemporary dictionary
homocentric — homocentric1 adjective having the same centre. homocentric2 adjective another term for anthropocentric … English new terms dictionary
homocentric — homo·centric … English syllables
homocentric — /hoʊmoʊˈsɛntrɪk / (say hohmoh sentrik) adjective 1. having the same centre; concentric. 2. diverging from, or converging to, the same centre. –homocentrism, noun –homocentrist, noun …