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  • Chindits — A Chindit column crossing a river in Burma, men suffering from dysentery often went naked. Active 19 …   Wikipedia

  • Chindits — Die Chindits waren eine Spezialeinheit aus britischen und indischen Truppen, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs im Rahmen des Pazifikkriegs in Burma operierte. Offiziell waren die Bezeichnungen für die Einheit 77. Indische Infanteriebrigade… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Chindits — Brigadier Orde Wingate Le nom de Chindits désigne une force militaire de l Armée du Royaume Uni, active durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale sous les appellations officielles de 77th Indian Infantry Brigade (en 1943) et de Indian 3rd Infantry… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Chindits —    Military group organized by Brigadier Orde Wingate, a master of unconventional warfare. The Chindits went behind enemy lines in Burma during World War II, coordinated their operations by radio, and were supplied by air drops flying out of… …   Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)

  • Order of Battle of the Chindits — an Allied special force which carried out two deep penetration raids behind Japanese line during the Burma Campaign in the South East Asian Theatre of World War II First Chindit Expedition 1943. Codenamed Operation Longcloth Headquarters 77th… …   Wikipedia

  • Orde Wingate — Orde Charles Wingate Orde Charles Wingate Born 26 February 1903(1903 02 26) …   Wikipedia

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