- quandong
b) The fruit of Elaeocarpus angustifolius, unrelated to sandalwood, called blue quandong.See Also: desert quandong, bitter quandong, blue quandong
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Quandong — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Una nuez de quandong del desierto puesto en una trozo de corteza de papel. Quandong (escritura alternativa Quongdong) es el nombre dado a varias especies de plantas silvestres de bosques, sabanas y matorrales en… … Wikipedia Español
Quandong — (alternative spelling Quongdong) is the name given to a number of Australian wild bush plants and their edible fruits. The plant species are in two unrelated genera, Santalum and Elaeocarpus , the name and its modifiers are referred to as… … Wikipedia
Quandong — Quan dong, n. (Bot.) The edible drupaceous fruit of an Australian tree ({Fusanus acuminatus}) of the Sandalwood family; called also {quandang}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
quandong — or quandang [kwäm′täŋ΄kwän′däŋ΄] n. [native name] 1. a small Australian tree (Eucarya acuminata) of the sandalwood family, whose edible fruit has a single stone containing an edible kernel 2. this fruit or stone: Also quantong [kwäm′täŋ΄] … English World dictionary
Quandong — Nom vernaculaire ou nom normalisé ambigu : Le terme « Quandong » s applique en français à plusieurs taxons distincts. Quandong … Wikipédia en Français
quandong — noun 1. the fruit of the Brisbane quandong tree • Syn: ↑blue fig • Hypernyms: ↑fruit • Part Holonyms: ↑quandong tree, ↑Brisbane quandong, ↑silver quandong tree, ↑b … Useful english dictionary
quandong — /ˈkwɒndɒŋ / (say kwondong) noun 1. Also, desert quandong. a. a tree, Santalum acuminatum, of semi arid regions of Australia, bearing a bright red, edible drupaceous fruit the seed of which (quandong nut) has an edible kernel. b. the fruit, or the …
quandong — siauralapis alyvūnas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Alyvūninių šeimos medieninis augalas (Elaeocarpus angustifolius), paplitęs atogrąžų Azijoje ir Australijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Elaeocarpus angustifolius angl. blue marbletree; blue fig;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
quandong — saldžiavaisis santalas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Santalinių šeimos vaisinis augalas (Santalum acuminatum), paplitęs Australijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Eucarya acuminata; Fusanus acuminatus; Mida acuminata; Santalum acuminatum angl.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
quandong — n Australian a woman. The quandong fruit (santalum acuminatus) is fleshy with a hard seed centre; the word has thus been appro priated to refer to women with suppos edly similar qualities either prostitutes or friendly females who refuse to be… … Contemporary slang