burn a hole in one's pocket

burn a hole in one's pocket
To cause someone to be tempted to spend money.

In frustration, I go to the local Circuit City, my Visa card burning a hole in my pocket. "Heres a grand! Two grand," I shout, "for the salesperson who can bring me a VCR that I can use to record TV shows.

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  • burn a hole in one's pocket — ► burn a hole in one s pocket (of money) tempt one to spend it. Main Entry: ↑burn …   English terms dictionary

  • burn a hole in one's pocket — phrasal of money : to get itself spent quickly * * * burn a hole in one s pocket Said of money when one is eager to spend it • • • Main Entry: ↑burn …   Useful english dictionary

  • burn a hole in one's pocket — {v. phr.} To make you want to buy something; be likely to be quickly spent. * /Money burns a hole in Linda s pocket./ * /The silver dollar that Don got for his birthday was burning a hole in his pocket, and Don hurried to a dime store./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • burn a hole in one's pocket — {v. phr.} To make you want to buy something; be likely to be quickly spent. * /Money burns a hole in Linda s pocket./ * /The silver dollar that Don got for his birthday was burning a hole in his pocket, and Don hurried to a dime store./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • burn\ a\ hole\ in\ one's\ pocket — v. phr. To make you want to buy something; be likely to be quickly spent. Money burns a hole in Linda s pocket. The silver dollar that Don got for his birthday was burning a hole in his pocket, and Don hurried to a dime store …   Словарь американских идиом

  • burn a hole in one's pocket — money that you want to spend quickly I just got paid today and this money is burning a hole in my pocket …   Idioms and examples

  • burn a hole in one's pocket — (of money) tempt one to spend it quickly or extravagantly. → burn …   English new terms dictionary

  • money burns a hole in one's pocket — See: BURN A HOLE IN ONE S POCKET …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • money burns a hole in one's pocket — See: BURN A HOLE IN ONE S POCKET …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • money\ burns\ a\ hole\ in\ one's\ pocket — See: burn a hole in one s pocket …   Словарь американских идиом

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