- Anglosphere
The collection of anglophone countries that also share democracy, a similar legal system and capitalist free market economies
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Anglosphere — is a neologism which refers to those nations with English as the most common language. The term can be used more specifically to refer to those nations which share certain characteristics within their cultures based on a linguistic heritage,… … Wikipedia
Anglosphere — (ANG.gloh.sfeer) n. The collection of English speaking nations that support the principles of common law and civil rights. anglospherism n. anglospherist adj. Example Citations: Recalling that the English speaking nations led the world in the… … New words
Anglosphere — Monde anglo saxon Le monde anglo saxon (en anglais Anglosphere) est l ensemble de pays dont l organisation socio économique et la culture ont été fortement influencées par la colonisation britannique et dont l anglais est la langue principale. La … Wikipédia en Français
Anglosphère — Monde anglo saxon Le monde anglo saxon (en anglais Anglosphere) est l ensemble de pays dont l organisation socio économique et la culture ont été fortement influencées par la colonisation britannique et dont l anglais est la langue principale. La … Wikipédia en Français
Anglosphere — Anglosphäre: blau: Nationen mit Englisch als erster Sprache eines Großteils der Bevölkerung; hellblau: Nationen mit wesentlicher Annahme englischer Sprache … Deutsch Wikipedia
Anglosphere — … Useful english dictionary
Англосфера — (англ. Anglosphere) это совокупность англоязычных стран, цивилизационный облик которых характеризуется рядом общих черт, обусловленных особо тесной исторической связью этих стран с Британскими островами (имеются в виду в первую очередь … Википедия
James C. Bennett — James Charles Bennett is an American businessman, with a background in technology companies and consultancy, and a writer on technology and international affairs.During the 1980s he was involved in space launch ventures, being a founder in 1985… … Wikipedia
Hard and soft G — A hard g vs. a soft g is a feature that occurs in many languages, including English, in which two distinct major sounds (phonemes) are represented by the Latin letter g . A hard g is typically (but not always) pronounced as a voiced plosive,… … Wikipedia
Fascism — is a totalitarian nationalist and corporatist ideology. [Heater, Derek Benjamin. 1967. Political Ideas in the Modern World. University of Michagan. Pp 41 42. [http://books.google.com/books?id=v4gFAAAAMAAJ q=fascism+%22totalitarian+nationalism%22… … Wikipedia