- aboundingly
a) In an abounding manner; in a manner that abounds.b) To an abounding degree, profusely.See Also: abundantly
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
abound — aboundingly, adv. /euh bownd /, v.i. 1. to occur or exist in great quantities or numbers: a stream in which trout abound. 2. to be rich or well supplied (usually fol. by in): The region abounds in coal. 3. to be filled; teem (usually fol. by… … Universalium
hopeful — hopeful, optimistic, roseate, rose colored are comparable when they mean having or showing confidence that the end or outcome will be favorable or for the best. Hopeful, which is often used in distinction from sanguine (see CONFIDENT), usually… … New Dictionary of Synonyms