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Protrusile — Pro*tru sile, a. Capable of being protruded or thrust out; protractile; protrusive. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
protrusile — [prō tro͞o′sə bəl, prō tro͞o′zəbəlprō tro͞o′səl, prō tro͞ozəl] adj. [< L protrusus, pp. of protrudere (see PROTRUDE) + ILE] that can be protruded, or thrust out, as a tentacle or an elephant s trunk: also protrusible [prō tro͞o′sə bəl, prō… … English World dictionary
protrusile — adj. [L. pro, before; trudo, thrust] Capable of being protruded or withdrawn … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
protrusile — /proh trooh sil, suyl, preuh /, adj. capable of being thrust forth or extended, as the tongue of a hummingbird. [1840 50; < L protrus(us) (ptp. of protrudere to PROTRUDE) + ILE] * * * … Universalium
protrusile — prəʊ truËsaɪl adj. can be caused to project, can be cause to stick out; can be cause to bulge or swell outward … English contemporary dictionary
protrusile — pro·tru·sile … English syllables
protrusile — /prəˈtrusaɪl/ (say pruh troohsuyl), / zaɪl/ (say zuyl) adjective capable of being thrust forth or extended, as a limb, etc. {Latin prōtrūsus, past participle, thrust forth + ile} …
protrusile — a. able to be thrust forward (as a frog s tongue) … Dictionary of difficult words
protrusile — adj. (of a limb etc.) capable of being thrust forward. Etymology: PRO (1) + EXTRUSILE: see EXTRUDE … Useful english dictionary
atheriniform — ▪ fish Introduction any member of the order Atheriniformes, containing 15 families of marine and freshwater spiny finned fishes (spiny finned fish), including the flying fishes (flying fish) (see ), needlefishes (needlefish), silversides,… … Universalium