- inconsequential
You will never know the exact atomic time when you started reading this phrase; of course, thats inconsequential.
Wikipedia foundation.
You will never know the exact atomic time when you started reading this phrase; of course, thats inconsequential.
Wikipedia foundation.
inconsequential — [in kän΄si kwen′shəl] adj. 1. inconsequent; illogical 2. of no consequence; unimportant; trivial n. something inconsequential inconsequentiality [in kän΄si kwen′shē al′ə tē] n. inconsequentially adv … English World dictionary
Inconsequential — In*con se*quen tial, a. Not regularly following from the premises; hence, irrelevant; unimportant; of no consequence. Chesterfield. {In*con se*quen tial*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
inconsequential — I adjective dispensable, flimsy, frivolous, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inappreciable, inappropriate, inconsequent, inconsiderable, inessential, insignificant, invalid, irrelevant, minor, niggling, nonessential, not vital, nugatory, of … Law dictionary
inconsequential — (adj.) characterized by inconsequence, 1620s; not worth noticing, 1782; see INCONSEQUENT (Cf. inconsequent) + AL (Cf. al) (1). Related: Inconsequentially … Etymology dictionary
inconsequential — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not important or significant. DERIVATIVES inconsequentiality noun inconsequentially adverb … English terms dictionary
inconsequential — [[t]ɪ̱nkɒnsɪkwe̱nʃ(ə)l[/t]] ADJ GRADED Something that is inconsequential is not important. ...a constant reminder of just how insignificant and inconsequential their lives were... Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain… … English dictionary
inconsequential — inconsequent, inconsequential The two words overlap considerably in meaning. Both are used to mean ‘not following naturally; lacking logical sequence’, but when, for example, an argument is a disconnected one it would normally be described as… … Modern English usage
inconsequential — Mea ole. ♦ Inconsequential deeds, hana hope ole. ♦ Inconsequential thing, mea iki. ♦ Trifling or inconsequential action, as a casual love affair, hana kalakalai … English-Hawaiian dictionary
inconsequential — in|con|se|quen|tial [ınˌkɔnsıˈkwenʃəl US ˌka:n ] adj not important = ↑insignificant ▪ inconsequential but amusing chatter >inconsequentially adv … Dictionary of contemporary English
inconsequential — in|con|se|quen|tial [ ın,kansı kwenʃəl ] adjective not important: UNIMPORTANT: Whether we go Thursday or Friday is inconsequential … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English