- bitrate
The frequency at which bits (binary digits) pass a given physical or metaphorical point, measured in bps (bits per second).
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Bitrate — Die Bitrate bezeichnet das Verhältnis einer Datenmenge zu einer Zeit, typischerweise gemessen in Bit pro Sekunde, abgekürzt als Bit/s oder bps. Sie bezeichnet die Ausgabemenge von Informationseinheiten bei digitalen, auf konstante Ausgabezeit… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Bitrate — Datenübermittlungsrate; Datenübertragungsrate; Datenrate; Datentransferrate * * * Bịt|ra|te, die (EDV): Anzahl der Bits, die pro Zeiteinheit übertragen werden. * * * Bitrate, Anzahl der Bits, die pro Zeiteinheit übertragen werden, meist… … Universal-Lexikon
Bitrate — Débit binaire Pour les articles homonymes, voir bps. Le débit binaire mesure une quantité de données numériques transmises en bits par seconde (bit/s, b/s ou bps). Ses principaux multiples sont : le kilobit par seconde (symbole kbit/s)… … Wikipédia en Français
bitrate — pralaidumas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Ryšio linijos arba kanalo pajėgumas praleisti tam tikrą duomenų kiekį per laiko vienetą. Matuojamas bitais (kilobitais, megabitais) per sekundę (b/s, Kb/s, Mb/s), kartais baitais (kilobaitais,… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
Bitrate peeling — is a technique used in Ogg Vorbis audio encoded streams, wherein a stream can be encoded at one bitrate but can be served at that or any lower bitrate.Bitrate Peeling is similar in overall effect to Real Networks technology called SureStream ,… … Wikipedia
Bitrate — … Википедия
Variable bitrate — (VBR) is a term used in telecommunications and computing that relates to the bitrate used in sound or video encoding. As opposed to constant bitrate (CBR), VBR files vary the amount of output data per time segment. VBR allows a higher bitrate… … Wikipedia
Average bitrate — refers to the average amount of data transferredper unit of time, usually measured per second. This is commonly referred to for digital music or video. An MP3 file, for example, that has an average bit rate of 128 kbit/s transfers, on average,… … Wikipedia
Smart Bitrate Control — Smart Bitrate Control, commonly referred to as SBC, was a technique for achieving greatly improved video compression efficiency using the DivX ; ) 3.11 Alpha MPEG4 video codec and the Nandub [http://ndub.sourceforge.net/] video encoder. SBC… … Wikipedia
Constant bitrate — (CBR) is a term used in telecommunications, relating to the quality of service. Compare with variable bitrate. When referring to codecs, constant bit rate encoding means that the rate at which a codec s output data should be consumed is constant … Wikipedia