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Orlistat — Packaging of orlistat (Xenical) 120 mg capsules, as sold in Canada. Systematic (IUPAC) name … Wikipedia
Orlistat — Général Nom IUPAC (2S) 2 (formylamino) 4 méthylpentanoate de (2S) 1 [(2S,3S) 3 hexyl 4 oxooxétan 2 yl]undécan 2 yle … Wikipédia en Français
Orlistat — Orlistat … Wikipedia Español
orlistat — fármaco inhibidor de la lipasa intestinal que reduce la absorción de grasas aportadas en la dieta. Se utiliza para el tratamiento de la obesidad Estructura química [véase http://www.iqb.es/diccio/o/or.htm#orlistat] Monografía [véase… … Diccionario médico
orlistat — /örˈli stat/ noun An orally administered drug that reduces the absorption of dietary fat by inhibiting the action of enzymes in the digestive system, used to treat obesity … Useful english dictionary
Orlistat — Strukturformel Allgemeines Freiname Orlistat … Deutsch Wikipedia
Orlistat — Orlistạt, Xenicạl®, Hemmstoff fettspaltender Enzyme (Lipasen), der im Magen Darm Kanal den Abbau von Fetten zu resorbierbaren Monoglyceriden und Fettsäuren verhindert und dadurch zur Gewichtsreduktion führt. Die nicht resorbierten Fette (etwa … Universal-Lexikon
orlistat — or·li·stat ȯr li stat n a pancreatic lipase inhibitor C29H53NO5 that prevents the digestion of fat and is administered orally in the treatment of obesity see XENICAL * * * n. a drug that reduces the absorption of fat in the stomach and small… … Medical dictionary
orlistat — n. a drug that reduces the absorption of fat in the stomach and small intestine by inhibiting the action of pancreatic lipases. It is administered by mouth in the treatment of clinical obesity, in conjunction with appropriate dietary measures.… … The new mediacal dictionary
orlistat — /ˈɔləstæt/ (say awluhstat) noun an anti obesity drug which inhibits gastrointestinal lipase, the enzyme required for the digestion of fat …