- mechanist
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Mechanist — Mech an*ist, n. 1. A maker of machines; one skilled in mechanics. [1913 Webster] 2. One who regards the phenomena of nature as the effects of forces merely mechanical. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mechanist — [mek′ə nist] n. 1. a person who believes in the theory of mechanism 2. rare var. of MECHANICIAN … English World dictionary
mechanist — noun Date: 1606 1. archaic mechanic 2. an adherent of the doctrine of mechanism … New Collegiate Dictionary
mechanist — /mek euh nist/, n. 1. a person who believes in the theory of mechanism. 2. a mechanician. [1600 10; MECHAN(IC) + IST] * * * … Universalium
Mechanist — Me|cha|nịst, der; en, en: Vertreter des ↑Mechanismus (3): dass die Reflextheorie von en, die anderen Anschauungsweisen von Vitalisten vertreten wurden (Lorenz, Verhalten I, 329) … Universal-Lexikon
mechanist — mech·a·nist (mekґə nist) an individual who believes that all phenomena relating to life are based on physical and chemical properties only … Medical dictionary
Mechanist — Me|cha|nist der; en, en <zu ↑...ist> Vertreter des Mechanismus (3) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
mechanist — mekÉ™nɪst n. one who believes in mechanism … English contemporary dictionary
mechanist — mech·a·nist … English syllables
mechanist — mech•a•nist [[t]ˈmɛk ə nɪst[/t]] n. a believer in a theory of mechanism … From formal English to slang