
a) Documents, especially information sought by hackers about an individual (address, credit card numbers, etc.).

Why is it that, even after DECADES of carping from Jerry Pournelle, software companies STILL dont hire competent professionals to write their dox?

b) ss, the works. seems theres someone out there that dislikes him more than i do. i cant wait to hear how many people have his dox now. this should be really interesting...

its ok, someone emailed me his address, phone

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  • Dox — may refer to: dox, an ISO/FDIS 639 3 code for Bussa language Dox, a type of Warez Dornier Do X, the German aircraft Direct oximetry Dog fox hybrid, a supposed hybrid between a fox and a dog dox, an Internet slang word for personally identifiable… …   Wikipedia

  • DOX — steht für: Dongara, IATA Code des australischen Flughafens Do X steht für: Dornier Do X, ein Verkehrsflugschiff aus dem Jahr 1929 dox steht für: Bussa (Sprache), ISO 639 3 Code der Sprache Dox ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Georg Dox… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • dox|y — dox|y1 «DOK see», noun, plural dox|ies. Informal. an opinion or doctrine, especially in religion or theology: »Orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy is another man s doxy (Bishop William Warburton). ╂[abstracted from orthodoxy, heterodoxy, etc.]… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dox — Dox, de son vrai nom Jean Verdi Salomon Razakandraina, est un poète malgache né en 1913 et mort en 1978. La majorité de son œuvre est d expression malgache. Portail de la littérature …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dox|ie — «DOK see», noun. = doxy2. (Cf. ↑doxy) …   Useful english dictionary

  • dox|ol|o|gy — «dok SOL uh jee», noun, plural gies. a hymn or statement praising God. Three of the best known doxologies begin: “Glory to God in the highest” (greater doxology), “Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost” (lesser doxology),… …   Useful english dictionary

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  • DOx — 2,5 Dimethoxyamphetamine (2,5 DMA), the base structure of the DOx family. DOx is a term used to refer to a chemical class of substituted amphetamine derivatives featuring methoxy groups at the 2 and 5 positions of the phenyl ring, and a… …   Wikipedia

  • Dox-SL — A form of the anticancer drug doxorubicin that may have fewer side effects and work better than doxorubicin. Dox SL is used to treat ovarian cancer, AIDS related Kaposi sarcoma, and multiple myeloma in patients whose disease has not gotten better …   English dictionary of cancer terms

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