- paperless
The paperless walls of the bedroom looked grey and cheerless.
b) Relating to keeping of records and communicating without paper, usually electronically.
Wikipedia foundation.
The paperless walls of the bedroom looked grey and cheerless.
Wikipedia foundation.
paperless — pa‧per‧less [ˈpeɪpələs ǁ pər ] adjective COMPUTING a paperless system, process etc is one where information is held on and communicated by computers, without the use of paper: • Most of the information held by companies is still transferred to… … Financial and business terms
paperless — [pā′pər ləs] adj. functioning or accomplished entirely by electronic means, without paper documents or the use of paper for record keeping [a paperless office, paperless billing] * * * pa·per·less (pāʹpər lĭs) adj. Not requiring paper because of… … Universalium
paperless — [pā′pər ləs] adj. functioning or accomplished entirely by electronic means, without paper documents or the use of paper for record keeping [a paperless office, paperless billing] … English World dictionary
paperless — (adj.) 1938 of cigarettes; 1967 of banks; 1971 of offices, from PAPER (Cf. paper) (n.) + LESS (Cf. less) … Etymology dictionary
paperless — [[t]pe͟ɪpə(r)ləs[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Paperless is used to describe business or office work which is done by computer or telephone, rather than by writing things down. Paperless trading can save time and money. ...the paperless office … English dictionary
paperless — adjective Date: 1969 recording or relaying information by electronic media rather than on paper < paperless offices > … New Collegiate Dictionary
paperless — adj. Paperless is used with these nouns: ↑office … Collocations dictionary
paperless — pa|per|less [ peıpərləs ] adjective storing and communicating information in electronic form instead of on paper: a paperless transaction … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
paperless — UK [ˈpeɪpə(r)ləs] / US [ˈpeɪpərləs] adjective storing and communicating information in electronic form rather than on paper a paperless transaction … English dictionary
paperless — /ˈpeɪpələs/ (say paypuhluhs) adjective 1. not using paper: a paperless office. 2. of or relating to or denoting a means of documenting transactions or communicating information that does not use paper, as by an electronic system …