center field — ☆ center field n. Baseball 1. the middle area of the outfield 2. the defensive position of the outfielder (center fielder) who plays there … English World dictionary
center field — noun 1. the piece of ground in the outfield directly ahead of the catcher he hit the ball to deep center • Syn: ↑centerfield, ↑center • Hypernyms: ↑tract, ↑piece of land, ↑piece of ground, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
center\ field — noun The part of a baseball outfield to the batter s center. The outfielder pulled down a long drive to center field. Willie hauled down a long fly to center field for the third out. He hit an easy fly ball to center field. Compare: right field,… … Словарь американских идиом
center field — noun Date: 1857 1. the position of the player for defending center field 2. the part of the baseball outfield between right and left field • center fielder noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
center field — cen′ter field′ n. 1) spo the area of a baseball outfield beyond second base and between right field and left field 2) spo the position of the player covering this area • Etymology: 1855–60, amer. cen′ter field′er, n … From formal English to slang
center field — Baseball. 1. the area of the outfield beyond second base and between right field and left field. 2. the position of the player covering this area. [1855 60, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
center field — middle area of a sports field … English contemporary dictionary
center field — dep (béisbol) Puede traducirse por exterior centro … Diccionario español de neologismos
center — [sent′ər] n. [ME & OFr centre < L centrum, center, orig., that point of the compass around which the other describes the circle < Gr kentron, sharp point, goad < kentein, to stitch < IE base * k̑ent , to prick > OHG hantag, sharp,… … English World dictionary
Center fielder — A center fielder, abbreviated CF , is the outfielder in baseball who plays defense in center field the baseball fielding position between left field and right field. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays, the center fielder is… … Wikipedia