- toadflax
b) any of several other plants in the family Plantaginaceae
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Toadflax — Toad flax , n. (Bot.) An herb ({Linaria vulgaris}) of the Figwort family, having narrow leaves and showy orange and yellow flowers; called also {butter and eggs}, {flaxweed}, and {ramsted}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Toadflax — is the English name of several related genera of plants in the family Plantaginaceae:* Anarrhinum * Antirrhinum (also called Snapdragon) * Chaenorhinum * Cymbalaria * Linaria * Misopates * Nuttallanthus … Wikipedia
toadflax — [tōd′flaks΄] n. [from the spotted and flaxlike appearance of the parts] BUTTER AND EGGS … English World dictionary
toadflax — /tohd flaks /, n. 1. a common European plant, Linaria vulgaris, of the figwort family, having narrow leaves and showy yellow and orange flowers, naturalized as a weed in the U.S. 2. any plant of the same genus. [1570 80; TOAD + FLAX] * * * ▪… … Universalium
toadflax — paprastoji linažolė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Bervidinių šeimos vaistinis augalas (Linaria vulgaris), paplitęs Europoje ir Azijoje. atitikmenys: lot. Linaria vulgaris angl. butter and eggs; common toadflax; yellow toadflax; toadflax;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
toadflax — noun a plant with yellow or purplish snapdragon like flowers and slender leaves. [Linaria vulgaris (yellow toadflax) and other species.] … English new terms dictionary
toadflax — linažolė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Bervidinių (Scrophulariaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Linaria). atitikmenys: lot. Linaria angl. toadflax vok. Frauenflachs; Leinkraut rus. льнянка lenk. lnica … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
toadflax — noun Date: 1578 butter and eggs; also any of several related plants (especially genus Linaria) of the snapdragon family … New Collegiate Dictionary
toadflax — toad•flax [[t]ˈtoʊdˌflæks[/t]] n. pln a common weed, Linaria vulgaris, of the figwort family, with narrow leaves and clustered flowers of bright orange and yellow Compare butter and eggs • Etymology: 1570–80 … From formal English to slang
toadflax — /ˈtoʊdflæks/ (say tohdflaks) noun 1. a perennial herb, Linaria vulgaris, family Scrophulariaceae, of western Eurasia, now widely naturalised, having yellow and orange flowers; bacon and eggs. 2. any of various herbs of the closely related genera… …