- adsorptively
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adsorptively — adv. (Chemistry) in an adsorptive manner (can be attracted to the surface of a solid) … English contemporary dictionary
adsorptively — ad·sorp·tive·ly … English syllables
adsorptively — adverb see adsorptive … Useful english dictionary
Isogram — For the term in geography and cartography, see contour line. An isogram (also known as a nonpattern word ) is a logological term for a word or phrase without a repeating letter. It is also used by some to mean a word or phrase in which each… … Wikipedia
Carsten Olsen — Carsten Erik Olsen (March 1, 1891 – August 19, 1974) was a Danish plant ecologist and plant physiologist, who pioneered the study of plant nutrition in soils of different pH. He was born in Copenhagen and began studies of botany at the University … Wikipedia
adsorb — adsorbable, adj. adsorbability, n. adsorbent, adj., n. adsorption /ad sawrp sheuhn, zawrp /, n. adsorptive, adj. adsorptively, adv. /ad sawrb , zawrb /, v.t. Physical Chem. to ga … Universalium