
to treat or react with sulfur or with sulfur dioxide

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  • sulfurize — [sul′fyoo rīz΄, sul′fərīz΄] vt. sulfurized, sulfurizing [Fr sulfuriser:see SULFUR & IZE] to combine, treat, or impregnate with sulfur or a compound of sulfur, esp. with sulfur dioxide fumes in bleaching or disinfecting sulfurization n …   English World dictionary

  • sulfurize — transitive verb ( rized; rizing) Date: 1794 to treat with sulfur or a sulfur compound …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • sulfurize — sulfurization, n. /sul fyeuh ruyz , feuh /, v.t., sulfurized, sulfurizing. 1. to combine, treat, or impregnate with sulfur. 2. to fumigate with sulfur dioxide. Also, esp. Brit., sulphurise. [1785 95; < F sulfuriser. See SULFUR, IZE] * * * …   Universalium

  • sulfurize — sul·fur·ize or chiefly Brit sul·phur·ize also sul·phur·ise səl f(y)ə .rīz vt, sul·fur·ized or chiefly Brit sul·phur·ized also sul·phur·ised; sul·fur·iz·ing or chiefly Brit sul·phur·iz·ing also sul·phur·is·ing to treat with sulfur or a sulfur… …   Medical dictionary

  • sulfurize — v. treat with sulfur, sulfuret; fumigate with sulfur or sulfur dioxide …   English contemporary dictionary

  • sulfurize — sul·fu·rize …   English syllables

  • sulfurize — sul•fu•rize [[t]ˈsʌl fyəˌraɪz, fə [/t]] v. t. rized, riz•ing chem. to combine, treat, or impregnate with sulfur • Etymology: 1785–95 …   From formal English to slang

  • sulfurize — …   Useful english dictionary

  • sullage — sul·lage səl ij n SEWAGE Each boldface word in the list below is a chiefly British variant of the word to its right in small capitals. sulpha SULFA sulphacetamide SULFACETAMIDE sulphacetimide SULFACETAMIDE sulphadiazine SULFADIAZINE… …   Medical dictionary

  • sulphurise — British variant of sulfurize …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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