- licorice
a) The plant Glycyrrhiza glabra, or sometimes in North America the related American Licorice plant Glycyrrhiza lepidota.
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Licorice — Lic o*rice (l[i^]k [ o]*r[i^]s), n. [OE. licoris, through old French, fr. L. liquiritia, corrupted fr. glycyrrhiza, Gr. glyky rriza; glyky s sweet + ri za root. Cf. {Glycerin}, {Glycyrrhiza}, {Wort}.] [Written also {liquorice}.] 1. (Bot.) A plant … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
licorice — also liquorice, c.1200, from Anglo Fr. lycoryc, O.Fr. licorece (also recolice), from L.L. liquiritia, alteration of L. glychyrrhiza, from Gk. glykyrrhiza, lit. sweet root, from glykys sweet (see GLUCOSE (Cf. glucose)) + rhiza … Etymology dictionary
licorice — see liquorice … Modern English usage
licorice — (Brit. liquorice) ► NOUN ▪ a sweet, chewy, aromatic black substance made from the juice of a root and used as a sweet and in medicine. ORIGIN Old French licoresse, from Greek glukurrhiza sweet root … English terms dictionary
licorice — [lik′ə rish, lik′rish; ] occas. [ lik′ə ris] n. [ME licorys < OFr licorece < LL liquiritia, altered (by assoc. with liquor: see LIQUOR) < L glycyrrhiza < Gr glykys, sweet (see GLYCERIN) + rhiza, ROOT1] 1. a European perennial plant… … English World dictionary
licorice — /lik euhr ish, lik rish, lik euh ris/, n. 1. a Eurasian plant, Glycyrrhiza glabra, of the legume family. 2. the sweet tasting, dried root of this plant or an extract made from it, used in medicine, confectionery, etc. 3. a candy flavored with… … Universalium
licorice — noun Etymology: Middle English licorice, from Anglo French licoris, from Late Latin liquiritia, alteration of Latin glycyrrhiza, from Greek glykyrrhiza, from glykys sweet + rhiza root more at dulcet, root Date: 13th century 1. a. the dried root… … New Collegiate Dictionary
licorice — paprastasis saldymedis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pupinių šeimos prieskoninis, vaistinis augalas (Glycyrrhiza glabra), paplitęs Azijoje, Europoje ir Afrikoje. Naudojamas maisto priedams (kvėpikliams) gaminti, iš jo gaunamas eterinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Licorice EP — Infobox Album Name = Licorice EP Type = EP Artist = Snowden Released = 2005 Recorded = Genre = Alternative rock Indie rock Length = 15:39 Label = Producer = Reviews = Last album = This album = Next album = Licorice EP is Snowden s third release,… … Wikipedia
Licorice — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Licorice peut être : Un synonyme de l édulcorant glycyrrhizine ; Licorice, un titre de l album Special Herbs, Vols. 7 8 de Daniel Dumile… … Wikipédia en Français
licorice — SYN: glycyrrhiza. * * * lic·o·rice or chiefly Brit li·quo·rice lik( ə) rish, rəs n 1) a European leguminous plant of the genus Glycyrrhiza (G. glabra) with pinnate leaves and spikes of blue flowers 2 a) GLYCYRRHIZA (2) b) an extract of… … Medical dictionary