- tranched
Tranched funding can be an effective means of enforcing performance targets.
Wikipedia foundation.
Tranched funding can be an effective means of enforcing performance targets.
Wikipedia foundation.
tranched cover — dalinis užtikrinimas statusas Aprobuotas sritis kredito ir finansų įstaigos apibrėžtis Procesas, kai bankas įsigyja tiesioginį kredito užstatą (pvz., su kreditu susijusių vekselių) arba netiesioginį kredito užstatą (pvz., garantijų, kredito… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Credit derivative — In finance, a credit derivative is a securitized derivative whose value is derived from the credit risk on an underlying bond, loan or any other financial asset. In this way, the credit risk is on an entity other than the counterparties to the… … Wikipedia
Securitization — is a structured finance process, which involves pooling and repackaging of cash flow producing financial assets into securities that are then sold to investors. The name securitization is derived from the fact that the form of financial… … Wikipedia
Collateralized mortgage obligation — Financial markets Public market Exchange Securities Bond market Fixed income Corporate bond Government bond Municipal bond … Wikipedia
Tranche — In structured finance, a tranche (misspelled as traunch or traunche) is one of a number of related securities offered as part of the same transaction. The word tranche is French for slice, section, series, or portion. In the financial sense of… … Wikipedia
Alternative Risk Transfer — (often referred to as ART) is the use of techniques other than traditional insurance and reinsurance to provide risk bearing entities with coverage or protection. The field of ART grew out of a series of insurance capacity crises in the 1970s… … Wikipedia
Venture round — A venture round is a type of funding round used for venture capital financing, by which startup companies obtain investment, generally from venture capitalists and other institutional investors. The availability of venture funding is among the… … Wikipedia
tranche — / trä sh/ n [French, literally, slice, from Old French, from trenchier trancher to cut]: a division or portion of a pool or whole: as a: an issue of bonds derived from a pooling of like obligations that is differentiated from other issues esp. by … Law dictionary
dalinis užtikrinimas — statusas Aprobuotas sritis kredito ir finansų įstaigos apibrėžtis Procesas, kai bankas įsigyja tiesioginį kredito užstatą (pvz., su kreditu susijusių vekselių) arba netiesioginį kredito užstatą (pvz., garantijų, kredito įsipareigojimų neįvykdymo… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)