
One of the Seven Sages of Greece living c. 640-568 BC. He was a native of Mytilene.

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  • PITTACUS — I. PITTACUS Philosophus Mitylenaeus, unus ex septem Graeciae sapientibus, qui ex Lesbo tyrannum Melanchrum depulit, exortôque deinde inter Athenienses, Mitylenaeosque bellô, Phrynonem Olympionicem celebrem, hostium ducem ad singulare certamen… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Pittacus of Mytilene — Pittacus (c. 640 568 BC) was the son of Hyrradius and one of the Seven Sages of Greece. He was a native of Mytilene and the Mytilenaean general who, with his army, was victorious in the battle against the Athenians and their commander Phrynon. In …   Wikipedia

  • Pittacus — /pit euh keuhs/, n. c650 570 B.C., democratic statesman and reformer from Mytilene. * * * …   Universalium

  • PITTACUS —    one of the seven sages of Greece, born at Mitylene, in Lesbos, in the 7th century B.C.; celebrated as a warrior, a statesman, a philosopher, and a poet; expelled the tyrants from Mitylene, and held the supreme power for 10 years after by… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

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  • Pittacus — Питтак (ок. 650 570 до н. э.) Правитель Митилен, такой же умеренный демократ, как и его современник Солон, впоследствии причисленный к Семи мудрецам Греции. Питтак был политическим оппонентом поэта Алкея …   Список древнегреческих имен

  • Pittacus — /pit euh keuhs/, n. c650 570 B.C., democratic statesman and reformer from Mytilene …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pittacus Of Mytilene — ▪ Greek statesman born c. 650 BC died c. 570  statesman and sage who is known as one of the Seven Wise Men of ancient Greece. He collaborated with the brothers of the poet Alcaeus in the overthrow of the tyrant Melanchrus (612/611?) and… …   Universalium

  • ПИТТАК —    • Pittăcus,          Πίττακος, один из «семи мудрецов Греции», родился в Митилене на Лесбосе ок. 648 г., освободил свой родной город с помощью Алкея (см. Алкей) от тирании Меланхра, потом поссорился с ним и сделался эсимнетом (см. Eurypylus,… …   Реальный словарь классических древностей

  • Alcaeus — /al see euhs/, n. 1. fl. c600 B.C., Greek poet of Mytilene. 2. Class. Myth. a son of Androgeus and a grandson of Minos. * * * or Alkaios born с 620 BC, Mytilene, Lesbos died с 580 BC Greek lyric poet. Only fragments and quotations survive from… …   Universalium

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