mouse potato

mouse potato
noun /ˈmaʊs pəˈteɪ.təʊ,maʊs pəʊ.teɪ.təʊ/
A person who spends excessive amounts of time using a computer.

Lady Miss Kier is a mouse potato. I wake up, I go and turn the computer on before I wash my face or brush my teeth. Ill be sitting there in my underwear, and before I know it, four hours have passed. Then I pick up the phone, push some more buttons and the food delivery arrives, and then 16 hours have passed in front of the computer. It leaves you completely drained.

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  • mouse potato — n. someone who spends a great amount of time using a computer. (Based on couch potato.) □ Every since we got the new computer, Jane has turned into a regular mouse potato. mouth 1. n. a hangover. □ I’ve got quite a mouth this morning. I guess I… …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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  • mouse\ potato — Someone who sits in front of her computer for long periods of time without communicating with actual people. Stop being a mouse potato. Go outside and talk to some real guys …   Dictionary of american slang

  • mouse potato — mouse′ pota to n. inf a person who spends much leisure time at a computer, usually on the Internet • Etymology: 1990–95; patterned after couch potato …   From formal English to slang

  • mouse potato — mouse po,tato noun count INFORMAL someone who spends long periods of time using the Internet or playing computer games …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Mouse potato — one addicted to surfing the Internet (blend of mouse + couch potato ) …   Dictionary of Australian slang

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