- psychedelia
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Wikipedia foundation.
psychedelia — ☆ psychedelia [sī΄kə dē′lē ə, sī΄kədēl′yə ] n. [< PSYCHEDELIC + IA] popularly psychedelic drugs or anything associated with their use … English World dictionary
Psychedelia — For psychedelics, see psychedelic drug. The term psychedelic is derived from the Greek words ψυχή (psyche, soul ) and δηλοῦν (deloun, to manifest ), translating to soul manifesting . A psychedelic experience is characterized by the striking… … Wikipedia
psychedelia — [[t]sa͟ɪkədi͟ːliə[/t]] N UNCOUNT Psychedelia refers to psychedelic objects, clothes, and music … English dictionary
Psychedelia (Rock Musical) — by Craig R. Pedersen, is based on the career of Uther Pendragon, a band he managed from 1967 to 1979. Finished in 2005 it is based on the history of the band and uses the songs of the two disk release called Resurrection, released in 2005.Songs… … Wikipedia
psychedelia — noun Etymology: New Latin, from English psychedelic Date: 1967 1. the world of people, phenomena, or items associated with psychedelic drugs 2. psychedelic music … New Collegiate Dictionary
Psychedelia — Psychedelisch bezeichnet einen manchmal euphorischen Trance , Rausch oder Meditations Zustand oder Eindruck des Bewusstseins bzw. der Sinne, der sich durch eine Vermischung von Sinneseindrücken bzw. Sinneserlebnissen auszeichnet und oft auch als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
psychedelia — /suy ki deel yeuh, del yeuh/, n. the realm or artifacts of psychedelic drugs, art, writings, or the like. [1965 70, Amer.; PSYCHEDEL(IC) + IA] * * * … Universalium
psychedelia — psy|che|de|li|a [ ,saıkə diliə ] noun uncount music, art, or writing that is based on the experiences that people have when they are taking psychedelic drugs … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
psychedelia — [ˌsʌɪkə di:lɪə] noun music, culture, or art based on the experiences produced by psychedelic drugs … English new terms dictionary
psychedelia — psy·che·de·lia … English syllables