- fice
He wrote a letter to Bob Sample, one of the most popular A-double-L-part preachers in the country, who like a little fice, or cur dog, would rail behind my back.
Wikipedia foundation.
He wrote a letter to Bob Sample, one of the most popular A-double-L-part preachers in the country, who like a little fice, or cur dog, would rail behind my back.
Wikipedia foundation.
Fice — Fice, n. A small dog; written also {fise}, {fyce}, {fiste}, etc. [Southern U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
FICE — may refer to:* Federal Interagency Committee on Education, a committee of the United States Department of Education * Fellow of the Institution of Civil Engineers, see Institution of Civil Engineers * Foreign Invested Commercial Enterprise, a… … Wikipedia
fice — (Del lat. phycis, y este del gr. φυκίς). m. Pez marino teleósteo, del suborden de los Acantopterigios, de unos cuatro decímetros de largo, cabeza pequeña y rojiza, labios gruesos, y doble el superior, dientes fuertes y cónicos, color verdoso con… … Diccionario de la lengua española
fice — ar·ti·fice; ed·i·fice; fice; mal·e·fice; of·fice·less; or·i·fice; suf·fice; su·per·fice; sat·is·fice; ben·e·fice; of·fice; sac·ri·fice; bull·fice; … English syllables
fice — ► sustantivo masculino ZOOLOGÍA Pez marino, alargado, de color verde metálico manchado, que vive cerca de la costa. (Phycis.) SINÓNIMO brótola * * * fice (del lat. «phycis», del gr. «phykís»; varias especies del género Phycis) m. Cierto *pez de… … Enciclopedia Universal
Fice — This interesting and unusual surname is of Old French origin, and has two possible sources. Firstly, the surname may be locational from Viza in Ashwater, Devon; Vyse Wood in Morthoe, Devon; or from Devizes, Wiltshire, formerly The Devise, Vises… … Surnames reference
fice — variant of feist … New Collegiate Dictionary
fice — /fuys/, n. feist. * * * … Universalium
FICE — abbr. Fellow, Institution of Civil Engineers … Dictionary of abbreviations
fice — [[t]faɪs[/t]] n. dial. feist … From formal English to slang