human geography
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Human geography — is a branch of geography that focuses on the study of patterns and processes that shape human interaction with the environment, with particular reference to the causes and consequences of the spatial distribution of human activity on the Earth s… … Wikipedia
human geography — Geography is generally defined as the science which describes the earth s surface, its form and physical features, its natural and political divisions, climates, and productions. This broad ranging discipline has numerous points of contact with… … Dictionary of sociology
HUMAN GEOGRAPHY — In respect of human as well as of physical geography, it is convenient to divide the Land of Israel into four major units: 1. the Mediterranean Coastal Plain 2. the hill regions of northern and central Cisjordan (west of the Jordan) 3. the Rift… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
human geography — noun the branch of geography concerned with how human activity affects or is influenced by the earth s surface … English new terms dictionary
human geography — UK / US noun [uncountable] British the study of how human societies developed all over the world, especially in relation to the earth s physical features … English dictionary
human geography — noun : anthropogeography … Useful english dictionary
AP Human Geography — Advanced Placement Human Geography (also known as AP Human Geography, AP Human, AP Geo, AP Hug, or Human) is a course and examination offered by the College Board as part of the Advanced Placement Program.This college level course introduces… … Wikipedia
Ogilvie Professor of Human Geography — The Ogilvie Professor of Human Geography is the name for the occupant of the Ogilvie Chair of Geography at the University of Edinburgh. It is named in honour of Alan Ogilvie, the first professor in the Department of Geography and an important… … Wikipedia
International Encyclopedia of Human Geography — The International Encyclopedia of Human Geography ist ein 2009 bei Elsevier erschienenes akademisches Nachschlagewerk zum Thema Humangeographie. Die Chefherausgeber sind Rob Kitchin und Nigel Thrift. Es enthält ein Vorwort von Mary Robinson. Die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Catchment area (human geography) — In human geography: a catchment area is the area and population from which a city or individual service attracts visitors or customers. For example, a school catchment area is the geographic area from which students are eligible to attend a local … Wikipedia