- downlink
a) The transmission of a signal from a satellite to a receiving station on earth; or the means of this transmission.To transmit a signal from a satellite to a terrestrial receiving station.
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Wikipedia foundation.
Downlink — Downlink, Abwärtsverbindung … Universal-Lexikon
downlink — [n] transmission path for data circuit, communications pathway, network, pathway, signal route; concept 269 … New thesaurus
downlink — [doun′liŋk΄] n. 1. an electronic link by which signals are received on the earth s surface from an orbiting satellite, spacecraft, etc. 2. the site, facility, etc. which receives such signals vi. to connect to a satellite, spacecraft, etc. using… … English World dictionary
Downlink — Der Downlink [daʊnlɪŋk] bezeichnet in einem Kommunikationssystem diejenige Verbindung (engl. link) mit der Datenflußrichtung, welche aus der Sicht eines Endgerätes aus Richtung des Telekommunikationsnetzes kommt. Der Downlink dient dem Download… … Deutsch Wikipedia
downlink — /ˈdaʊnlɪŋk/ (say downlingk) noun 1. Computers a link, as by cable, wireless, etc., from a computer to a device, such as a mobile phone, digital camera, etc., allowing files to be transferred from the computer to the device: a camera downlink. 2.… …
Downlink CNR — (Carrier to noise ratio in satellite reception) is an important figure in system TVRO design. Below are certain parameters used in CNR computation. Contents 1 Figure of merit 2 Path loss 3 EIRP 4 Baseband … Wikipedia
Downlink-Frequenz — Der Satellit sendet die ihm per Uplink zugesandten Informationen per Downlink auf die Erde zurück. Mit Downlinkfrequenz (auch Downlink Frequenz) bezeichnet man die Frequenz, mit der gesendete Informationen von einem Satelliten wieder auf die Erde … Deutsch Wikipedia
downlink — I. noun Date: circa 1969 a communications channel for receiving transmissions from a spacecraft; also such transmissions II. transitive verb Date: 1977 to transmit (as data) from a spacecraft or satellite to a receiver on earth … New Collegiate Dictionary
downlink — /down lingk /, n. 1. a transmission path for data or other signals from a communications satellite or airborne platform to an earth station. adj. 2. pertaining to such transmission. Cf. uplink. [1965 70; DOWN1 + LINK] * * * … Universalium
downlink — n. transmission channel that carries signals from a communications satellite or other airborne transmitter to a station on earth … English contemporary dictionary