
a) That has not given birth
b) That has not yet laid eggs

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  • nulliparous — (adj.) 1859, from medical L. nullipara female who has never given birth, from nulli , stem of nullus no (see NULL (Cf. null)) + para, fem. of parus, from parere to bring forth (see PARE (Cf. pare)) + OUS ( …   Etymology dictionary

  • nulliparous — adjective Etymology: New Latin nullipara one who has never borne an offspring, from Latin nullus not any + para para Date: 1859 of, relating to, or being a female that has not borne offspring …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • nulliparous — See nullipara. * * * …   Universalium

  • nulliparous — Never having borne a child. SYN: nonparous. * * * nul·lip·a·rous .nə lip ə rəs adj of, relating to, or being a female that has not borne offspring * * * nul·lip·a·rous (nə lipґə rəs) [null + parous] having never given birth to a… …   Medical dictionary

  • nulliparous — nÊŒ lɪpÉ™rÉ™s adj. pertaining to a woman who has never given birth; barren (Obstetrics) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • nulliparous — nul·lip·a·rous …   English syllables

  • nulliparous —   a. having borne no children.    ♦ nullipara, n. such woman.    ♦ nulliparity, n …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • nulliparous — adjective see nullipara * * * nullipˈarous adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑nullipara …   Useful english dictionary

  • nullip — nulliparous …   Medical dictionary

  • nullip — • nulliparous …   Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations

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