
a) Of or pertaining to xerosere.
b) Growing in dry places.

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  • xerarch — /zear ahrk/, adj. Ecol. (of a sere) originating in a dry habitat. [1935 40; XER + ARCH] * * * …   Universalium

  • xerarch — xe·rarch …   English syllables

  • xerarch —   a. growing in dry places.    ♦ xerasia, n. morbid dryness of hair.    ♦ xeric, a. pertaining to or adapted to dry conditions.    ♦ xeroderma, n. morbid dryness of skin.    ♦ xerography, n. method of reproducing illustrations, text, etc.,… …   Dictionary of difficult words

  • xerarch — ˈziˌrärk, ˈzēˌr adjective Etymology: xer + arch of an ecological succession : developing in a dry place compare hydrarch, mesarch …   Useful english dictionary

  • xerarch succession — A series of community changes from bare land to climax …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • Xerosere — is a plant succession which occurs in conditions limited by water availability or the different stages in a xerarch succession.Xerarch succession of ecological communities originated in extremely dry situation such as sand deserts, sand dunes,… …   Wikipedia

  • Salsa (sauce) — Salsa is the Spanish, Arabic, and Italian word that can refer to any type of sauce. In American English it usually refers to the spicy, often tomato or corn based hot sauces typical of Mexican cuisine, particularly those used as dips. In British… …   Wikipedia

  • hydrarch — ˈhīˌdrärk adjective Etymology: hydr + arch (adjective comb. form) : originating in water used of an ecological succession; compare hydrosere, mesarch, xerarch …   Useful english dictionary

  • mesarch — ˈme]ˌzärk, ˈmē], ]ˌsä adjective Etymology: mes + arch 1. : having metaxylem developed both internal and external to the protoxylem 2. : originating in a mesic habitat used of an ecological succession; compare hydrarch, xerarch …   Useful english dictionary

  • xerosere — ˈzirəˌsi(ə)r noun Etymology: xer + sere : the seral stages of a xerarch succession : a dry land sere * * * /zear euh sear /, n. Ecol. a sere occurring on dry soil. [1925 30; XERO + SERE2] …   Useful english dictionary

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