- imperative mood
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Imperative mood — The imperative mood is a grammatical mood that expresses direct commands or requests. It is also used to signal a prohibition, permission or any other kind of exhortation. Morphology The English imperative is formed simply by using the bare… … Wikipedia
imperative mood — noun a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener s behavior • Syn: ↑imperative, ↑jussive mood, ↑imperative form • Hypernyms: ↑mood, ↑mode, ↑modality * * * imperative mood … Useful english dictionary
imperative mood — command (Grammar) … English contemporary dictionary
Immediate imperative mood — A form of the imperative mood, found in some languages, the Immediate imperative mood indicates commands that should be implemented immediately. In these languages, the ordinary imperative mood does not have the same sense of immediacy, e.g. Pass … Wikipedia
imperative — [im per′ə tiv] adj. [LL imperativus, commanding < pp. of L imperare, to command: see EMPEROR] 1. having the nature of, or indicating, power or authority; commanding [an imperative gesture] 2. absolutely necessary; urgent; compelling [it is… … English World dictionary
Imperative — can mean: *Imperative mood, a grammatical mood expressing commands, direct requests, and prohibitions *Imperative programming, a programming paradigm in computer science *Moral imperative, a philosophical concept relating to obligation … Wikipedia
Imperative — Im*per a*tive, n. (Gram.) The imperative mood; also, a verb in the imperative mood. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
mood — mood1 [mo͞od] n. [ME < OE mod, mind, soul, courage, akin to Ger mut, mental disposition, spirit, courage < IE base * me , to strive strongly, be energetic > L mos, custom, customary behavior] 1. a particular state of mind or feeling;… … English World dictionary
Imperative — Im*per a*tive, a. [L. imperativus, fr. imperare to command; pref. im in + parare to make ready, prepare: cf. F. imp[ e]ratif. See {Perade}, and cf. {Empire}.] 1. Expressive of command; containing positive command; authoritatively or absolutely… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
imperative — im·per·a·tive || ɪm perÉ™tɪv n. necessity, obligation; command, order; imperative mood, form used when making an order or request (Grammar); verb in the imperative mood (Grammar) adj. necessary, obligatory; commanding; of the imperative mood … English contemporary dictionary