- quantitativeness
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quantitativeness — noun see quantitative … New Collegiate Dictionary
quantitativeness — See quantitatively. * * * … Universalium
quantitativeness — quan·ti·ta·tive·ness … English syllables
quantitativeness — noun see quantitative … Useful english dictionary
quantitative — adjective Etymology: Medieval Latin quantitativus, from Latin quantitat , quantitas quantity Date: 1581 1. of, relating to, or expressible in terms of quantity 2. of, relating to, or involving the measurement of quantity or amount 3. based on… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Ontology — This article concerns ontology in philosophy. For the concept in information science, see Ontology (information science). Not to be confused with the medical concepts of oncology and odontology, or indeed ontogeny. Parmenides was among the first… … Wikipedia
quantitative — quantitatively, quantitively, adv. quantitativeness, quantitiveness, n. /kwon ti tay tiv/, adj. 1. that is or may be estimated by quantity. 2. of or pertaining to the describing or measuring of quantity. 3. of or pertaining to a metrical system,… … Universalium
qualitativeness — noun The state or quality of being qualitative. Ant: quantitativeness … Wiktionary
quantitative — /ˈkwɒntəˌteɪtɪv / (say kwontuh.taytiv), /ˈkwɒntətətɪv / (say kwontuhtuhtiv) adjective 1. that is or may be estimated by quantity. 2. of or relating to the describing or measuring of quantity. 3. Prosody of or relating to the metrical system in… …
quantitative — [kwänt′ə tāt΄iv] adj. [ML quantitativus] 1. having to do with quantity 2. capable of being measured 3. having to do with the quantity of a speech sound 4. having to do with a system, as in classical prosody, in which syllables are classified as… … English World dictionary