food miles
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Food miles — is a term which refers to the distance food is transported from the time of its production until it reaches the consumer. It is one dimension used in assessing the environmental impact of food. The concept of food miles originated in 1990 in the… … Wikipedia
Food miles — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El concepto de Food miles hace referencia a la distancia a la que la comida es transportada desde su producción hasta que llega al consumidor. Es una dimemsión utilizada en el estudio del impacto medioambiental de… … Wikipedia Español
food miles — plural noun The distance travelled from the place where food is produced to the place where it is eaten, considered in terms of the environmental damage that transporting it entails • • • Main Entry: ↑food … Useful english dictionary
food miles — n. The distance that a food item travels from its source to the consumer. Also: food mile. Example Citations: Simply considering whether dinner was grown organically was no longer enough. Concerned parents, greenmarket shoppers and the rest of… … New words
food mile — UK US noun [countable] [singular food mile plural food miles] a measure of the distance travelled by foods between the place where they are produced and the place where they are eaten. Long distances are considered bad because the quality of the… … Useful english dictionary
Food and Drink — 100 foot diet alcopop allergy bullying antigriddle ape diet apple tourist auto eating beer miler … New words
food desert — (FOOD dez.urt) n. An area where fresh food is either non existent or too expensive. Example Citation: The term food desert was coined to describe areas with limited access to healthy food. There are food deserts all over Britain, in rural as well … New words
food futurist — n. A person who predicts food and dining trends. Example Citation: As our rapid paced lifestyle continues to change eating patterns, Campbell s sees nourishing, ready to serve soups playing an even more important role in the future. Which is why… … New words
Food and Drink Federation — The Food and Drink Federation (FDF) is an organisation that represents and advises UK food and drink manufacturers. Its members are companies of all sizes as well as trade associations and groups dealing with specific sectors of the industry. The … Wikipedia
food mile — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms food mile : singular food mile plural food miles a measure of the distance travelled by foods between the place where they are produced and the place where they are eaten. Long distances are considered bad… … English dictionary