- dottle
- noun /ˈdɒtəl/
one hand guards the burning dottle of my pipe from the force of the wind
I clenched my pipe in my right fist and poked at the dottle busily with various fingers, first one then another, of my left hand.
Wikipedia foundation.
one hand guards the burning dottle of my pipe from the force of the wind
I clenched my pipe in my right fist and poked at the dottle busily with various fingers, first one then another, of my left hand.
Wikipedia foundation.
Dottle — is the wet and sour smelling mass of unburned tobacco found at the bottom of a tobacco pipe. Dottle is produced by a combination of two reasons, first the smoker is a wet smoker , that is, he pushes a considerable amount of saliva down the stem… … Wikipedia
dottle — or dottel [dät′ l] n. [ME dotelle, var. of dosel, DOSSIL] the tobacco residue left in a pipe after it has been smoked … English World dictionary
dottle pin — noun Etymology: dottle (I) : a small plug or pin of burned fireclay used to separate articles during firing … Useful english dictionary
dottle — noun Etymology: Middle English dottel plug, from Middle English *dot Date: circa 1825 unburned and partially burned tobacco in the bowl of a pipe … New Collegiate Dictionary
dottle — /dot l/, n. the plug of half smoked tobacco in the bottom of a pipe after smoking. Also, dottel. [1815 25; dial. dot small lump (prob. identical with DOT1) + LE] * * * … Universalium
dottle — North Country (Newcastle) Words the remain of a pipe or tobacco put upon the top of a fresh pipe for the purpose of lighting it … English dialects glossary
dottle — see DOT … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
dottle — n. lump of half smoked tobacco that remains in the bottom of a pipe after smoking … English contemporary dictionary
dottle — [ dɒt(ə)l] noun a remnant of tobacco left in a pipe after smoking. Origin ME (denoting a plug for a barrel): from dot1 + le1 … English new terms dictionary
dottle — dot·tle … English syllables