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Institutionalism — can refer to: Old Institutionalism: An approach to the study of politics that focuses on formal institutions of government New institutionalism: a social theory that focuses on developing a sociological view of institutions, the way they interact … Wikipedia
instituţionalism — INSTITUŢIONALÍSM s.n. Doctrină economică apărută în deceniile al treilea şi al patrulea ale sec. XX, ai cărei reprezentanţi consideră că economia politică trebuie să aibă ca obiect studierea anumitor categorii politice şi juridice, precum şi… … Dicționar Român
institutionalism — [in΄stə to͞o′shə nəliz΄əm, in΄stə tyo͞o′shə nəliz΄əm] n. 1. a belief in the usefulness or sanctity of established institutions 2. the care of the poor, homeless, or others needing assistance by or in public institutions 3. the nature of such care … English World dictionary
institutionalism — ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˈt(y)üshənəlˌizəm, ̷ ̷ˈt(y)ü , shnəˌli noun ( s) 1. : adherence to, upholding of, or acceptance of established institutions (as of society or religion) : belief in or dependence on that which is sanctified and given authority as an… … Useful english dictionary
Institutionalism in international relations — holds that the international system is not mdash;in practice mdash;anarchic, but that it has an implicit or explicit structure which determines how states will act within the system.Institutions are rules that determine the decision making… … Wikipedia
Institutionalism in political parties — Party Institutionalism is an approach that sees political parties as having some capacities for adaptation, but also sees them as being prisoners of their own history as an institution . Aspects of the ideology that a party had when it was… … Wikipedia
institutionalism — noun Date: 1862 1. emphasis on organization (as in religion) at the expense of other factors 2. public institutional care of disabled, delinquent, or dependent persons 3. an economic school of thought that emphasizes the role of social… … New Collegiate Dictionary
institutionalism — institutionalist, n. /in sti tooh sheuh nl iz euhm, tyooh /, n. 1. the system of institutions or organized societies devoted to public, charitable, or similar purposes. 2. strong attachment to established institutions, as of religion. 3. the… … Universalium
institutionalism — See institutionalization … Dictionary of sociology
institutionalism — n. system of institutions; attachment to a system of institutions; practice of using public institutions to care for criminals or the handicapped … English contemporary dictionary