run something up the flagpole

run something up the flagpole
To propose an idea or make a suggestion in order to learn the reaction of others to it.

The idea might not be so bad; why dont you run it up the flagpole at the next board meeting?

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  • run something up the flagpole — run (something) up the flagpole mainly American to tell people about an idea in order to see what they think of it. Run your suggestion up the flagpole and see what the others say …   New idioms dictionary

  • run something up the flagpole — (to see who salutes) test the popularity of a new idea or proposal the idea was first run up the flagpole in 1997 …   Useful english dictionary

  • run (something) up the flagpole — idi run (something) up the flagpole, to announce as a test to gauge reactions …   From formal English to slang

  • run up the flagpole — run (something) up the flagpole mainly American to tell people about an idea in order to see what they think of it. Run your suggestion up the flagpole and see what the others say …   New idioms dictionary

  • flagpole — /ˈflægpoʊl/ (say flagpohl) noun 1. Also, flagstaff /ˈflægstaf/ (say flagstahf). a staff or pole on which a flag is displayed. 2. Colloquial the penis. –phrase 3. run (something) up the flagpole, Colloquial …  

  • flagpole — flag•pole [[t]ˈflægˌpoʊl[/t]] n. Also called flagstaff a staff or pole on which a flag is or can be displayed. • run (something) up the flagpole Etymology: 1880–85 …   From formal English to slang

  • run up — verb 1. pile up (debts or scores) (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑roll up, ↑collect, ↑accumulate, ↑pile up, ↑amass, ↑compile, ↑hoard • …   Useful english dictionary

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