opisthobranch — noun (plural branchs) Etymology: New Latin Opisthobranchia, from Greek opisthen behind (akin to Greek epi on) + branchia gills more at epi Date: circa 1856 any of a subclass (Opisthobranchia) of marine gastropod mollusks that have the gills when… … New Collegiate Dictionary
opisthobranch — /euh pis theuh brangk /, n. 1. any gastropod mollusk of the order Opisthobranchia, as the sea slugs, sea butterflies, and sea hares, characterized by a vestigial or absent mantle and shell and two pairs of tentacles. adj. 2. of or pertaining to… … Universalium
opisthobranch — opis·tho·branch … English syllables
opisthobranch — o•pis•tho•branch [[t]əˈpɪs θəˌbræŋk[/t]] also o•pis•tho•bran•chi•ate [[t]əˌpɪs θəˈbræŋ ki ɪt, ˌeɪt[/t]] n. ivt any gastropod mollusk of the order Opisthobranchia, characterized by a small or absent mantle and shell and by two pairs of tentacles:… … From formal English to slang
opisthobranch — /əˈpɪsθəbræŋk/ (say uh pisthuhbrangk) adjective 1. of or relating to the Opisthobranchia, an order of marine molluscs having the gills behind the heart and lacking an operculum. –noun 2. a mollusc of the order Opisthobranchia, as the sea hare and …
opisthobranch — I. əˈpisthəˌbraŋk adjective Etymology: New Latin Opisthobranchia : of or relating to the Opisthobranchia II. noun ( s) : a mollusk of the order Opisthobranchia … Useful english dictionary
gastropod — /gas treuh pod /, n. 1. any mollusk of the class Gastropoda, comprising the snails, whelks, slugs, etc. adj. 2. Also, gastropodous /ga strop euh deuhs/. belonging or pertaining to the gastropods. [1820 30; < NL Gast(e)ropoda a class of mollusks.… … Universalium
Opisthobranchia — Temporal range: Carboniferous–Recent[1] … Wikipedia
Gastropoda — Gastropod Temporal range: Late Cambrian–Recent[1] … Wikipedia
Nudibranch — Berghia coerulescens … Wikipedia