loosen the purse strings

loosen the purse strings
To increase spending or allow increased spending; to relax control of spending.

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  • loosen the purse strings — ► to spend more money or to allow people to have or spend more money: »He might even persuade the board to loosen the purse strings. Main Entry: ↑purse …   Financial and business terms

  • loosen the purse strings — to allow more money to be spent. We shouldn t expect the Chancellor to loosen the purse strings too much in the Budget …   New idioms dictionary

  • (the) purse strings — the purse strings UK US noun [plural] the way in which money is controlled and spent by a group or organization control the purse strings: She controls the family purse strings very tightly. tighten/​loosen the purse strings (=reduce or increase… …   Useful english dictionary

  • the purse strings — UK / US noun [plural] the way in which money is controlled and spent by a group or organization control the purse strings: She controls the family purse strings very tightly. tighten/loosen the purse strings (= reduce or increase the amount of… …   English dictionary

  • tighten the purse strings — tighten (or loosen) the purse strings restrict (or increase) the amount of money available to be spent …   Useful english dictionary

  • tighten the purse strings — verb To decrease spending or disallow increased spending; to increase control of spending. Ant: loosen the purse strings …   Wiktionary

  • purse strings, the — purse ,strings, the noun the way in which money is controlled and spent by a group or organization: control the purse strings: She controls the family purse strings very tightly. tighten/loosen the purse strings (=reduce or increase the amount of …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • purse strings — n. a drawstring for closing certain purses hold the purse strings to be in control of the money tighten the purse strings or loosen the purse strings to make funds less (or more) readily available …   English World dictionary

  • purse strings — 1. the right or power to manage the disposition of money: in control of the family purse strings. 2. hold the purse strings, to have the power to determine how money shall be spent. 3. loosen or tighten the purse strings, to increase or decrease… …   Useful english dictionary

  • purse strings — 1. the right or power to manage the disposition of money: in control of the family purse strings. 2. hold the purse strings, to have the power to determine how money shall be spent. 3. loosen or tighten the purse strings, to increase or decrease… …   Universalium

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