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Nocardiosis — Classification and external resources ICD 10 A43 ICD 9 039.9 … Wikipedia
nocardiosis — infección causada por gérmenes del género Nocardia, ampliamente distribuidos por la naturaleza. En general la lesión primaria asienta en el pulmón en forma de neumonía de evolución subaguda o crónica, que cursa con fiebre, tos, expectoración, a… … Diccionario médico
nocardiosis — ▪ pathology chronic systemic bacterial disease of humans and many other animals originating in the respiratory tract and disseminated by way of the blood to other organs, especially the brain. It is caused either by introduction into the… … Universalium
nocardiosis — a chronic systemic bacterial disease caused by Nocardia asteroides. Lesions are formed internally and externally and additionally fish show popeye and anorexia. Some fish, such as salmonids, may show no external symptoms although the disease is… … Dictionary of ichthyology
nocardiosis — A generalized disease in humans and other animals caused by Nocardia asteroides, N. otitidiscaviarum, N. transvalensis, and N. brasiliensis and characterized by primary pulmonary lesions that may be subclinical or chronic with hematogenous spread … Medical dictionary
nocardiosis — no·car·di·o·sis … English syllables
nocardiosis — n. a disease caused by bacteria of the genus Nocardia, primarily affecting the lungs, skin, and brain, resulting in the formation of abscesses. Treatment involves antibiotics and sulphonamides … The new mediacal dictionary
nocardiosis — … Useful english dictionary
Нокардиоз (Nocardiosis) — заболевание, вызываемое бактериями рода Nocardia; поражает легкие, кожу и головной мозг чело века, вызывая образование в них абсцессов. Для лечения заболевания применяются антибиотики и сульфамиды. Источник: Медицинский словарь … Медицинские термины
bovine nocardiosis — infection of cattle with species of Nocardia; see bovine farcy and nocardial mastitis … Medical dictionary