- round trip
A trip from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location.
Margaret purchased a single round trip ticket to and from Chicago, as it was cheaper than buying two one-way tickets.
Wikipedia foundation.
Margaret purchased a single round trip ticket to and from Chicago, as it was cheaper than buying two one-way tickets.
Wikipedia foundation.
round-trip — round tripˈ adjective (esp N American) Return • • • Main Entry: ↑round * * * round trip UK US adjective tourism relating to travel to a place and back again a round trip ticket Thesaurus: booking on and travelli … Useful english dictionary
round-trip — round trip1 n a journey to a place and back again ▪ a round trip ticket from Los Angeles to New York 30 mile/360 kilometre/2 hour etc round trip ▪ A coachload of supporters made the 700 mile round trip to South Devon. round trip of ▪ It s a round … Dictionary of contemporary English
Round trip — has several uses including:*Round trip in travel means purchasing a ticket or traveling from one destination to another and then returning to the starting location. *Round tripping *Round trip delay time in communications *Round trip format… … Wikipedia
round trip — round trips also round trip 1) N COUNT If you make a round trip, you travel to a place and then back again. The train operates the 2,400 mile round trip once a week. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A round trip ticket is a ticket for a train, bus, or plane that… … English dictionary
round-trip — ˈround trip adjective round trip ticket/fare etc TRAVEL a ticket etc that allows you to travel to a place and back again; = return Bre: • The cheaper fares will apply only to round trip tickets with a Saturday overnight stay … Financial and business terms
round trip — round trip, adj. 1. a trip to a given place and back again: Fares for round trips often have a discount. 2. a transportation ticket for such a trip. 3. Pinochle. roundhouse (def. 4). [1850 55, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
round trip — round′ trip′ n. a trip to a given place and back again • Etymology: 1850–55, amer. round′ trip′, adj … From formal English to slang
round trip — ☆ round trip n. 1. a trip to a place and back again 2. ROUNDHOUSE (sense 4) round trip adj … English World dictionary
round´-trip´ — round trip, a trip to a place and back again. –round´ trip´, adjective … Useful english dictionary
round-trip — round ,trip adjective relating to travel to and from a place: a round trip ticket … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
round trip — noun count a trip to a place and back again … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English