
1. noun /ˈwaɪldˌkæt/
a) A species of cat, Felis silvestris.

, Upon checking it out, we found a total of 13 newborn wildcats, nine newborn tigers and two newborn leopards. (CNN, 2003.04.24)

b) Any undomesticated species of cat.

Anyone whos man enough to have landed a wildcat like you had to be quite a guy.

Syn: Felis silvestris
See Also: bobcat, cat, Scottish wild cat, wild cat, African wildcat, desert cat
2. adjective /ˈwaɪldˌkæt/
a) relating to oil exploration in an area where no oil has been found before

, Jewish settlers have also been active putting up five new wildcat outposts on hilltops in the West Bank to try to thwart their Prime Minister Ariel Sharon... (CNN, 2003.06.15)

b) unauthorized by the proper authorities
3. verb /ˈwaɪldˌkæt/
to drill for oil in an area where no oil has been found before

Youd have to be very rich or very desperate to go wildcatting that far east.

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  • wildcat — I. noun (plural wildcats) Date: 14th century 1. a. an Old World cat (Felis silvestris) that resembles but is heavier in build than the domestic tabby cat and is usually held to be among the ancestors of the domestic cat b. or plural wildcat any… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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