- first cousin twice removed
b) son or daughter of someone’s first cousin once removed
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first cousin twice removed — 1》 a grandchild of one s first cousin. 2》 one s grandparent s first cousin. → cousin … English new terms dictionary
first cousin twice removed — 1) a grandchild of one s first cousin 2) one s grandparent s first cousin … Useful english dictionary
twice removed — once, twice, etc. reˈmoved idiom (of a cousin) belonging to a different generation • He s my cousin s son so he s my first cousin once removed. Main entry: ↑removeidiom … Useful english dictionary
cousin — noun 1》 (also first cousin) a child of one s uncle or aunt. 2》 a person of a kindred people or nation. 3》 historical a title formerly used by a sovereign in addressing another sovereign or a noble of their own country. Phrases first cousin once… … English new terms dictionary
removed — re|moved [ rı muvd ] adjective never before noun 1. ) different from something: removed from: It was all so removed from our usual experience. far removed: dealing with people whose culture is far removed from our own 2. ) without enough… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
removed — UK [rɪˈmuːvd] / US [rɪˈmuvd] adjective [never before noun] 1) different from something removed from: It was all so removed from our usual experience. far removed: dealing with people whose culture is far removed from our own 2) without enough… … English dictionary
removed — /rəˈmuvd / (say ruh moohvd) adjective 1. remote; separate; not connected with; distinct from. 2. distant, used in expressing degrees of relationship: a first cousin twice removed is a cousin s grandchild …
Cousin marriage — Charles Darwin and his wife Emma were first cousins. Cousin marriage is marriage between two cousins. In various jurisdictions and cultures, such marriages range from being considered ideal and actively encouraged, to being uncommon but still… … Wikipedia
First Stadtholderless Period — The First Stadtholderless Period or Era (1650 1672) (Dutch Eerste Stadhouderloze Tijdperk ) is the period in the history of the Dutch Republic in which it reached the zenith of its economic, military and political Golden Age. The term has… … Wikipedia
removed — adj. 1) easily removed 2) once; twice removed (a first cousin once removed) * * * [rɪ muːvd] twice removed (a first cousin once removed) easily removed once … Combinatory dictionary