- accentless
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Accentless — Ac cent less, a. Without accent. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
accentless — adjective see accent II … New Collegiate Dictionary
accentless — acˈcentless adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑accent … Useful english dictionary
accent — accentless, adj. accentuable /ak sen chooh euh beuhl/, adj. n. /ak sent/; v. /ak sent, ak sent /, n. 1. prominence of a syllable in terms of differential loudness, or of pitch, or length, or of a combination of these. 2. degree of prominence of a … Universalium
Nagoya dialect — The Nagoya dialect (名古屋弁, Nagoya ben?) is a Japanese dialect spoken in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture. In a wide sense, Nagoya dialect means the dialect in the western half of the prefecture (formerly part of Owari Province), and in that case, it is… … Wikipedia
Japanese pitch accent — is a feature of the Japanese language. It distinguishes words in most Japanese dialects, though the nature and location of the accent for a given word may vary between dialects. For instance, in standard Tokyo Japanese the word for now is IPA|… … Wikipedia
Colloquial Finnish — (suomen puhekieli) is the dialectless colloquial standard of the Finnish language. It is spoken in the Greater Helsinki region, and in urbanized areas in the Tavastian and Central Finland dialectal areas, such as the cities of Jyväskylä, Lahti,… … Wikipedia
accent — I. transitive verb Etymology: Middle French accenter, from accent intonation, from Latin accentus, from ad + cantus song more at chant Date: 1530 1. a. to pronounce with accent ; stress b. to mark with a written or printed accent 2 … New Collegiate Dictionary
Grammar — is the field of linguistics that covers the rules governing the use of any given natural language. It includes morphology and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, phonology, semantics, and pragmatics. Each language has its own distinct… … Wikipedia
Spoken Finnish — ( suomen puhekieli ) is the colloquial variant of the Finnish language often used in spoken language. This article deals with features of the spoken Finnish language, specifically the variant seen as dialectless. The dialectless variant is spoken … Wikipedia