- cryoscopy
b) the estimation of the molecular weight of a compound by measuring its effect on the freezing point of a solvent
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cryoscopy — [krī äs′kə pē] n. [ CRYO + SCOPY] the science that studies the freezing points of liquids … English World dictionary
cryoscopy — krioskopija statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Analizės metodas, pagrįstas tirpiklio ir tirpalo užšalimo temperatūrų matavimu. atitikmenys: angl. cryoscopy vok. Kryoskopie, f rus. криоскопия, f pranc. cryoscopie, f … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
cryoscopy — krioskopija statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Analizės metodas, pagrįstas tirpiklio ir tirpalo užšalimo temperatūrų matavimu. atitikmenys: angl. cryoscopy rus. криоскопия … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
cryoscopy — krioskopija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. cryoscopy vok. Kryoskopie, f rus. криоскопия, f pranc. cryoscopie, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
cryoscopy — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: circa 1900 the determination of the lowered freezing points produced in liquid by dissolved substances in order to determine molecular weights of solutes and various properties of… … New Collegiate Dictionary
cryoscopy — cryoscopic /kruy euh skop ik/, adj. /kruy os keuh pee/, n., pl. cryoscopies. 1. Chem. a technique for determining the molecular weight of a substance by dissolving it and measuring the freezing point of the solution. 2. Med. the determination of… … Universalium
cryoscopy — The determination of the freezing point of a fluid, usually blood or urine, compared with that of distilled water. SYN: algoscopy. [cryo + G. skopeo, to examine] * * * cry·os·co·py krī äs kə pē n, pl … Medical dictionary
cryoscopy — n. identification of the freezing point of substances or bodily fluids … English contemporary dictionary
cryoscopy — cry·os·co·py … English syllables
cryoscopy — cry•os•co•py [[t]kraɪˈɒs kə pi[/t]] n. pl. pies 1) chem. a technique for determining the molecular weight of a substance by dissolving it and measuring the freezing point of the solution 2) med the determination of the freezing points of certain… … From formal English to slang