- sorbic acid
an unsaturated aliphatic carboxylic acid, CH.CH:CH.CH:CH.COOH, found in Rowan berries, and used as a preservative
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sorbic acid — [sôr′bik] n. [ SORB + IC] a white, crystalline solid, CH3CH:CHCH:CHCOOH, isolated from the berries of mountain ash or made synthetically: used in drying oils, and as a food preservative, fungicide, etc … English World dictionary
Sorbic acid — Sometimes confused with ascorbic acid, Vitamin C. Chembox new Name = Sorbic acid ImageFile = Sorbic acid.svg ImageName = Sorbic acid IUPACName = (2E,4E) hexa 2,4 dienoic acid Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 110 44 1 SMILES = CC=CC=CC(O)O… … Wikipedia
sorbic acid — noun a white crystalline carboxylic acid used as a preservative • Hypernyms: ↑carboxylic acid * * * ˈsȯrbik noun Etymology: sorb (II) + ic : a crystalline diolefinic acid CH3(CH . CH)2COOH obtained from the unripe fruits of the mountain ash or… … Useful english dictionary
sorbic acid — sorbo rūgštis statusas T sritis chemija formulė CH₃(CH=CH)₂COOH atitikmenys: angl. sorbic acid rus. сорбиновая кислота ryšiai: sinonimas – 2,4 heksadieno rūgštis … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
sorbic acid — /sɔbɪk ˈæsəd/ (say sawbik asuhd) noun a white crystalline solid, CH3CH: CHCH: CHCOOH, used as a fungicide and food preservative. {sorbic from sorb + ic} …
sorbic acid — Obtained from berries of the mountain ash, Sorbus aucuparia (family Rosaceae), or prepared synthetically; it inhibits growth of yeast and mold and is nearly nontoxic to humans; used as a preservative. * * * sor·bic acid .sȯr bik n a crystalline… … Medical dictionary
sorbic acid — noun Etymology: sorb fruit of the service or related trees, from French sorbe, from Latin sorbum Date: 1815 a crystalline acid C6H8O2 obtained from the unripe fruits of the mountain ash or synthesized and used especially as a fungicide and food… … New Collegiate Dictionary
sorbic acid — /sawr bik/, Chem. a white, crystalline compound, C6H8O2, slightly soluble in water, soluble in many organic solvents: used as a preservative in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food. [1805 15; SORB1 + IC] * * * … Universalium
sorbic acid — sor′bic ac′id [[t]ˈsɔr bɪk[/t]] n. chem. a white, crystalline compound, C6H8O2, used as a preservative in pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food • Etymology: 1815; sorb+ ic … From formal English to slang
sorbic — (adj.) 1815, in sorbic acid, so called because it was first isolated from the berries of the mountain ash (see SORB (Cf. sorb)) … Etymology dictionary