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Radiculopathy — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G54, M54.1 ICD 9 723.4 … Wikipedia
radiculopathy — Disorder of the spinal nerve roots. SYN: radiculitis. [radiculo + G. pathos, suffering] diabetic thoracic r. a type of diabetic neuropathy that affects primarily elderly patients with diabetes mellitus; clinically characterized by t … Medical dictionary
radiculopathy — /rədɪkjəˈlɒpəθi/ (say ruhdikjuh lopuhthee) noun nerve root dysfunction, often caused by chronic pressure as with the discs of the spine, causing radiating muscular tingling, numbness and pain. {radicul(ar) + o + pathy} …
thoracoabdominal radiculopathy — radiculopathy involving the thoracic and lumbar nerve roots, the most common form of diabetic radiculopathy; symptoms are pain and dysesthesias in the chest and abdomen … Medical dictionary
cervical radiculopathy — radiculopathy of cervical nerve roots, often with neck or shoulder pain; compression of nerve roots is a common cause in this area … Medical dictionary
diabetic radiculopathy — radiculopathy, most commonly involving the thoracic and upper lumbar roots, that accompanies diabetes mellitus; it is often associated with significant weight loss … Medical dictionary
thoracic radiculopathy — a rare type of radiculopathy involving the thoracic nerve roots, with pain in a bandlike distribution around the chest … Medical dictionary
lumbar radiculopathy — any disease of lumbar nerve roots, such as from disk herniation or compression by a tumor or bony spur, with lower back pain and often paresthesias. One type is sciatica … Medical dictionary
lumbosacral radiculopathy — disease of nerve roots of the lumbar and sacral segments of the spinal cord … Medical dictionary
spondylotic caudal radiculopathy — compression of the cauda equina due to encroachment upon a congenitally small spinal canal by spondylosis, resulting in pseudoclaudication or more profound neural disorders of the lower limbs … Medical dictionary