- dromion
An exact, nonlinear solution of any of a large class of two-dimensional partial differential equations
Wikipedia foundation.
Wikipedia foundation.
Attic calendar — Greek calendar Greek calendar 1. Any of various calendars used by the ancient Greek states. Note: The {Attic calendar} divided the year into twelve months of 29 and 30 days, as follows: 1. Hecatomb[ae]on (July Aug.). 2. Metageitnion (Aug. Sept.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Greek calendar — 1. Any of various calendars used by the ancient Greek states. Note: The {Attic calendar} divided the year into twelve months of 29 and 30 days, as follows: 1. Hecatomb[ae]on (July Aug.). 2. Metageitnion (Aug. Sept.). 3. Bo[ e]dromion (Sept. Oct.) … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English