
noun /ˈmɒndəɡriːn,ˈmɑndəɡriːn/
a) A form of error arising from mishearing a spoken or sung phrase


b) A misunderstanding of a written or spoken phrase as a result of multiple definitions.

, “The ants are my friends, blowin’ in the wind.” (“The answer, my friend, is...”) from “.”

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  • Mondegreen — A mondegreen is the mishearing or misinterpretation of a phrase as a result of near homophony, in a way that gives it a new meaning. It most commonly is applied to a line in a poem or a lyric in a song.[1][2] American writer Sylvia Wright coined… …   Wikipedia

  • Mondegreen — Ein (Song )Verhörer, auch Mondegreen genannt, bezeichnet (für gewöhnlich unabsichtlich) falsch verstandene Textteile, beispielsweise aus Liedern oder Gedichten. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 2 Deutsche Verhörer in fremdsprachlichen Stücken 3… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mondegreen — /mon di green /, n. a word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard. [1954; coined by American author S. Wright fr. the line laid him on the green, interpreted as Lady Mondegreen, in a Scottish ballad]… …   Useful english dictionary

  • mondegreen — /mon di green /, n. a word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard. [1954; coined by American author S. Wright fr. the line laid him on the green, interpreted as Lady Mondegreen, in a Scottish ballad]… …   Universalium

  • mondegreen — mon•de•green [[t]ˈmɒn dɪˌgrin[/t]] n. cvb a word or phrase resulting from a misinterpretation of a word or phrase that has been heard • Etymology: 1954; coined by American author S. Wright fr. the line laid him on the green, interpreted as Lady… …   From formal English to slang

  • mondegreen — /ˈmɒndəgrin/ (say monduhgreen) noun a word or phrase which results from a mishearing or misinterpretation of the original words, especially in song lyrics, as Australians all eat ostriches from Australians all let us rejoice, the first line of… …  

  • mondegreen — A you can find this in thedictionary already word. A mishearing, something that was misheard, a misunderstanding. Happens all the time with song lyrics, sayings, familiar pharases, slogans, etc. Gladly, the cross eyed bear is one of the better… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • mondegreen — A you can find this in thedictionary already word. A mishearing, something that was misheard, a misunderstanding. Happens all the time with song lyrics, sayings, familiar pharases, slogans, etc. Gladly, the cross eyed bear is one of the better… …   Dictionary of american slang

  • mondegreen — UK [ˈmɒndəˌɡriːn] / US [ˈmɑndəˌɡriːn] noun [countable] a phrase in a song or poem that someone hears wrongly and thinks that a different phrase is being sung or said. For example, in the song Purple Haze , by Jimi Hendrix, the listener, hearing… …   English dictionary

  • Dylan Mondegreen — is Norwegian singer and songwriter Børge Sildnes. His debut album While I Walk You Home was released in his native country 17 September 2007.[1] said about the song Girl in Grass: Indie pop has entered its soft rock phase, and... it sounds pretty …   Wikipedia

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