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Legal status of Taiwan — The legal question of which legal entity holds de jure sovereignty over the island of Taiwan is a controversial issue. Various legal claims have been made by the People s Republic of China (PRC), the Republic of China (ROC), and supporters of… … Wikipedia
voidable — void·able / vȯi də bəl/ adj: capable of being voided; specif: subject to being declared void when one party is wronged by the other a voidable contract void·abil·i·ty /ˌvȯi də bi lə tē/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster.… … Law dictionary
nullable — adjective a) that may be nullified; nullifiable b) (of a variable or object) that is allowed to have a null value … Wiktionary
defeasible — de·fea·si·ble /di fē zə bəl/ adj: subject to or capable of being annulled or made void a defeasible interest his rights are not defeasible by agreement J. D. Calamari and J. M. Perillo Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary